Thursday, June 30, 2011

Paddy planting in Nepal

Nepal is enjoying the rainy season, as it started the monsoon earlier. All Nepalese farmers are busy in planting the paddy. The season is favourable . Asar 15th is special day for the farmers as it is the day for planting the paddy. At this time it is believed that the rain compulsorily falls. so people used to eat the beaten rice with the curd. It is the old tradition.

The Newari culture favours it . Since the paddy planting is famous in Kathmandu but the huge percentage of cultivation is in the Terai region, which is the main source of our food. The terai region is treated as the food store of Nepal. Almost 75% of the Nepali depend on the Terai region for the food. This is due to the fertile land and climate.

Some farmer finished their planting some are in process and some will do shortly. In my estimate cultivation will be increased by some percent because farmer are able to plant the paddy in time and if weather favours the next crop will be in the time. It results to the increased GDP.

The farmer will now take rest for some 2/3 months and are welcoming the awating festival like TEEJ/ KRISHNA ASTAMI/DASHAIN/TIHAR. They probably harvest the paddy in the month of november.

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